Bundle includes
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
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Grab your bundled $160 savings
Tell me more about each course!
Please see the course details on the home page for each individual course (GDM and On-Ramp), either by clicking on them at the top of this page or by picking them from our home page. You'll find outlines, FAQs, dates, testimonials, and more!
How many total CEUs are included?
The GDM includes 15.25 CEUs and the On-Ramp has 9 CEUs for a total of 24.25! All can be used by Registered Dietitians for their CDR requirements, and the On-Ramp can be used by CNS for the BCNS as well. All CEUs can also be used toward your Integrative and Functional Nutrition (IFNA) IFNCP credential requirements.
Do I have to get the bundle?
No! You can join for just the GDM. However, the on-ramp was created because we consistently found that GDM students were LOVING the content but were getting overwhelmed if they didn't have a strong background in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. You're welcome to take JUST the on-ramp or JUST the GDM but they're besties made to go together for optimal success in your career as an expert in getting great results with complex GI patients. You also get a $60 discount when you get the bundle!
What are the dates of everything?
Both the GI Dietitian's Roadmap and On-Ramp course run are available on-demand (self-paced). You have access as soon as you join (expires after 1 year).
Is this open now?
What is the total bundle savings?
The bundle includes a $60 discount on the On-Ramp course and a $100 discount on the GDM for a total discount of $160 during the early bird enrollment period for the GDM. After this early bird period, the bundle discount is only $60 for the on-ramp (no longer includes a GDM discount).
I have another question!
Sure, if you don't see the answer to your question on this page, or on the pages for the two courses (GDM and On-Ramp), please send us an email: [email protected] - thanks!