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    Live Seminar Followed by Replay

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Become a Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO Expert!

In this seminar, you’ll get an introduction to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) SIBO, the bacteria that produce it, and the metabolic effects on the body. You’ll also learn the symptoms and nutritional considerations. We’ll go into breath testing patterns as well. Finally, you’ll get specific supplement protocols for use with H2S patients. Then, we’ll have a Q&A at the end. Approved for 1.0 CPE by the CDR.

Join seminar (live June 24th or recording)

Here's What You'll Learn To Do:

Identify patients who may have H2S SIBO by signs and symptoms and by breath testing results, then how to work with them nutritionally and with supplements to improve their breath testing result and symptoms.
Get me this H2S roadmap for RDs!

Course curriculum

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    Live Seminar Followed by Replay

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    • Access live seminar, replay, slides, and CPE certificate

CPE Approved

Continuing Education for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDs and RDNs)

This seminar is approved for 1.0 CPEs by the Commission on Dietetics Registration, the credentialing agency of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.