What's Included!

Here's How We Help You Optimize your GI Nutrition Practice

Monthly membership includes:

  • Live (and recorded) 60-90min member meetings the 4th Tuesday of every month with access to a Google document with written questions and answers
  • Ability to obtain 1 CEU per member meeting you attended live
  • Ability to submit case studies (via email) and GI specific questions (via Slido) throughout the month. Please note the deadline for submitting questions is end of day the Friday before the Tuesday meeting. 
  • Access to a member-specific Facebook page. We will answer questions 1x a week, but it is also an opportunity to connect with other members and get multiple perspectives
  • Quarterly live (and recorded) Stop and Strategy Sessions to discuss the business aspect of being an integrative and functional GI nutrition professional 
  • Quarterly member updates (recorded)

What the membership does NOT include:

  • Individual email responses around cases or answering questions outside the member meeting. If you have a case or situation you want to discuss more in depth, this is a great option for individual 1-1 mentoring 
  • Answers from us daily in the Facebook page. If you have not received a response by the 7th day you posted, please tag us again. Sometimes we miss Facebook posts due to Facebook algorithms. 
  • Sometimes we run out of time in the live session so we cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered live, especially if submitted after the deadline or close to the deadline. However, we will usually type out written answers for you or will put the question as first priority for the following month.


  • Who is this for?

    The membership is for you if you'd like the opportunity to get affordable, consistent mentorship in advanced integrative and functional GI nutrition, and if you'd also love access to a community of like-minded nutrition professionals. As always, our goal is to support you in continuing to grow a successful, gratifying career in GI-focused integrative and functional nutrition. The membership is our way of doing this in a more accessible, flexible way.

  • What are the monthly Q&A sessions?

    Send us your pressing questions, challenging cases, and topics you want to learn more about. We'll meet as a community for an hour the third Tuesday of each month to get you the answers you need.

  • What are the quarterly practice updates?

    Every quarter, we'll send you a bundle to keep you current and to help you grow the effectiveness of your practice. These updates will include summaries of the latest research, products, and protocols. We'll also send you some handouts and resources for your practice!

  • What if I have questions during the month?

    Membership includes access to our group platform where you can submit questions all month long. We'll go in several times per week to get you answers to questions that have fairly simple replies (or that are urgent). For questions with a longer answer, we'll save them for the live Q&A. Also, this is a community space with like-minded professionals. So, you can also communicate with each other any time!

  • What's the obligation?

    Come and go as you please! We will charge a $49 re-entry fee if you come back, and you won't have access to missed content. Also, the introductory pricing doesn't apply after returning. You're only invoiced per month with no contract!

  • What's the pricing?

    The membership is $55/month, no contract.

  • What's with the optional 1:1 sessions?

    Membership comes with the option to add on three mentorship sessions (1:1 for 1 hour) with Erin or Alicia (you pick). Use them when you need help with a tricky case or condition. If you're interested in the 1:1 sessions add-on, just send us an email to [email protected] .

  • Do I need to take your courses first?

    No! We'll meet you where you're at. Membership is a great way to assess if you like our teaching style. However, our courses and many of our students are fairly advanced in GI-based Integrative and Functional Nutrition. So, you may hear content that is outside your current framework (we won't always have time to teach the full context of advanced content, but we'll support you the best we can).

  • How do I get started?

    Just purchase the GI Nutrition Membership 'course' and we'll be in touch with the details! As soon as you join, you will hae access to the course shell with the full schedule and all previous monthly meeting recordings and quarterly updates. Each monthly payment is for the following month).

Mentors (SIBO Academy Co-Creators)

Alicia Galvin

Registered Dietitian

Alicia Galvin

Alicia Galvin MEd, RD, LD, IFNCP owner of Alicia Galvin Smith LLC, has practiced in the Dallas/Fort Worth area since 2008 with a keen interest in gastrointestinal disease, such as IBS, IBD, and SIBO, as well as has a focus in fertility, autoimmunity, and chronic inflammatory conditions. In addition to owning her own practice, she spent years practicing as an integrative and functional dietitian at Carpathia Collaborative, a premier functional medicine clinic, helping patients develop customized solutions that empower them to take control of their health challenges. Recently, she joined Microbiome Labs in December 2022 as part of their Clinical Education Team as a Clinical Science Liaison. She earned a Masters of Education in Counseling degree from the University of North Texas and completed her Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (IFNCP) certification with the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy (IFNA), as well as has completed Next Level Functional Nutrition Training. Alicia has a passion for education and mentoring, having served as Mentoring Coordinator for the Nutrition Entrepreneurs DPG for 2 years and is currently a Mentoring Leader for IFNA. She has also served as Nominating Chair for the Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Nutrition DPG.
Erin Skinner

Registered Dietitian

Erin Skinner

Erin is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (IFNCP). She is a veteran with 13 years of experience in healthcare. She holds an MS in Integrative Physiology and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Clinical Nutrition (DCN) from Rutgers University. Erin help build one of the country's first insurance-billed functional medicine clinics, the Inspire Health Center. Erin also has a private practice, Empowered Nutrition, where clients can access functional medicine via insurance. In her work, Erin uses a food-first, individualized approach to help people improve their digestive, hormonal, and metabolic health. Erin works with clients both through private counseling and online courses. More details available at: www.empowerednutrition.health

Course curriculum

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    Start Here

    • Welcome! Please agree to our sharing policy.
    • GI Nutrition Membership Details
    • Monthly Meeting Submission Guidelines
    • Monthly Meeting Schedule + Links: May 2024 - May 2025 dates
    • Quarterly "Stop and Strategize" Schedule + Link
    • File for CEU logging of meetings (complete and email to us)
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    Monthly Q&A + Case Meetings

    • May 2021
    • June 2021
    • July 2021
    • August 2021
    • September 2021
    • October 2021
    • November 2021
    • December 2021
    • January 2022
    • Feb 2022
    • March 2022
    • April 2022
    • May 2022
    • June 2022
    • July 2022
    • Aug 2022
    • Sept 2022
    • October 2022
    • November 2022
    • December 2022
    • January 2023
    • February 2023
    • March 2023
    • April 2023
    • May 2023
    • June 2023
    • July 2023
    • August 2023
    • September 2023
    • October 2023
    • November 2023
    • December 2023
    • January 2024
    • February 2024
    • March 2024
    • April 2024
    • May 2024
    • June 2024
    • July 2024
    • August 2024
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    Quarterly Practice Updates

    • June 2021 Practice Update
    • September 2021 Practice Update
    • December 2021 Practice Update
    • April 2022 Practice Update
    • June 2022 Practice Update
    • Oct 2022 Practice Update
    • January 2023 Practice Update
    • April 2023 Practice Update
    • July 2023 Practice Update
    • October 2023 Practice Update
    • Jan 2024 Practice Update
    • April 2024 Practice Update
    • July 2024 Practice Update
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    Stop & Strategize - Quarterly Business & Practice Discussions

    • Stop & Strategize Recordings